Bugsy the Audi A2 update: goodbye tracker, Hello red plug.. wheel centre caps.

After consulting the experts at at the Audi A2 owner’s club, I have disconnected the tracking device hidden under the passenger side floor. It looked more complicated than it actually was: snipped 4 wires and insulated the ends. It looked like they were attached on 2 places, but this was just tape. The big wire… Read More Bugsy the Audi A2 update: goodbye tracker, Hello red plug.. wheel centre caps.

Bugsy Update

See the big brother post.. Apart from that, the red plug on the CCCU is not connected. Why? Is this connected to the plipper issue? No centre caps for the wheels & no key for the nuts. Heater fan not working. If it would stop raining long enough, maybe I could find out?

Big brother..

Is watching Bugsy.. Seriously. I found a Mercedes/Motorola tracking device next to the CCCU under the passenger floor. This was while trying to match the codes of the CCCU and slipper keys. The tracker seems to be wired into the loom. Ongoing..